Tuesday, November 17, 2009


What is a collection?
If someone said to me "Sharon are you a collector,do you collect stuff?"My first reaction would be no Murray is the collector in our household. He has been a collector for ages since before we were married in fact.He collects mainly Surfing posters and Music posters,he has a huge collection which he has catalogued and keeps in special folders and drawers that he has had custom made.
My sister in law has a fantastic collection of novelty tea pots that she has been collecting for many years.
Most of us have framed family photos or happy snaps that we've taken on our holidays.I, like a lot of people have a bowl full of shells sitting on my coffee table and nic naks I've brought back from overseas  but I don't think of these things as collections they are more decorations.
So when I think of a collection I imagine a room full of' things that a person has almost an obsession for, that they search out on their holidays or on ebay or that people have given to them as gifts because they know thats what the person is into.
But the more I thought about it I realised that I do have a lot of 'little'groups of things that sort of have a theme to them. There is the group of 'deco' teapots( that I would love to add to),a group of 'blue glass'vases that I love just because of the colour,the egg cups that sit on top of the microwave that have a common theme of legs or feet.One of them in the shape of a little boot I got on ebay 'cause I had one just the same when I was a little girl.Then there is my group(collection?) of Lorne memorabillia including lots of old postcards that I am adding to as I find them.
I don't know if my little groups of things constitute a collection or not but I suppose in a way they do.if you define a collection as finding,keeping and then displaying things that have a common theme and that you love then yes I guess I am a collector really.

'deco teapots'

'legs' eggcups

Blue glass things.

Lorne china

Lorne postcards

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