Sunday, October 31, 2010

Noosa Triathlon

Today is the Noosa Triathlon.
As I am writing this all those' fit and healthy' people will already be out there pounding the bitumen hoping to better their time of last year.
This event is huge here and although it doesn't really interest me I do admire all the effort that goes into the whole show.
These pics are from last years event.
p.s. How about that magnificent poinciana tree in the last shot.It is all one tree...fabulous!!!.And just as an aside,the poincianas are not flowering yet this year.

Saturday, October 30, 2010

I'm back

Yes I'm back.....
My batteries have been, I haven't been dozing here in this old chair I have been busy in lots of ways...some good, some very sad, some mundane but life goes on and I am ready to continue my blogging journey.I hope you will come along with me.