Wednesday, January 27, 2010

It's good for you!

Since Christmas I have been trying to diet..
Well not diet so much as eat more healthily and so far so good.!!!
Because we are spoilt for choice here in Queensland so far as fruit goes it has been pretty easy really.
We have been eating mostly fruit, vegies and salads with the occasional meat meal to keep up the protein.
There has been a glut of Mangoes this season in Queensland and they are literally dropping off the trees
so we have been gorging ourselves on them and throughly enjoying it!

But every now and then, you know what it's like when you're dieting or trying to be healthy you crave something sweet?
Well I've discovered this gorgeous organic chocolate (must be good for you if it's organic right?).
Green and Black's Organic Milk Chocolate. It really is nice and you can find it in the supermarket  on the shelf where you find all the other chocolate...I believe their dark one is great too, but I don't like dark chocolate.
Of course moderation is the word here, but who can honestly say that they can stop at just one or two pieces of chocolate?
Not me!!

"I have this theory that chocolate slows down the aging process.......
It may not be true, but do I dare take the chance?"
                                                                           ~ Unknown

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