Sunday, December 6, 2009

Photos from the Christmas Album......


  When we were little,Mum and Dad would drive us all the way to Melbourne from Lorne(2 1/2 hrs) so we could have our photo taken with Father Christmas.Here I am in the middle with my two sisters Christine and Kay.My two brothers were not even born yet.I am guessing this is Christmas 1955.I don't know if Myer were doing their windows back then but I know that was another not to be missed Christmas tradition in our house, as I know it was for a lot of people ,and we took our two boys as well when they were little.Just two days ago I had a peek at the" windows" while I was passing and was very dissapointed.Where are all the beautiful fairy lights and tinsel and pretty christmassy things? Is all that so politically incorect now?Anyway I hope all the littlies and their mums who were there looking the day I was passing loved what they saw just as much as I did all those years ago.

Merry Christmas everyone.

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